Monday, 18 November 2013

It is November 18, I have gone hunting twice so far. Once on November 11, and also on November 12.  I took videos to record my process so far but it is not ready yet. Im planning on going to out this coming weekend.
      During my first hunt we had no luck, my dad and I didn't see anything, we did see a great grey owl but that was all we saw for four hours. The second day we went out, we got up at about 5:00 am to make our way out to our spot about 50 minutes east of the city, we got there at about 6:30 and started walking in at about 6:45 when the sun was close to being up. It took us about 15 minutes to walk to our shack, which was not a very nice walk. We stayed until about 10:30, it was freezing because the sun wasn't up yet but we did have a wind break to help keep us warmer. During the second day we saw about 5 or 6 deer, one doe and a couple small spikers.
      The full moon in November usually signals the start of the rut, the full moon this year was November 15th. That means the big bucks will really be moving, trying to find a hot doe. The deer move a lot right after a big storm, most people think they move during the storm to stay warm and that sounds very true but it is not. The deer will bed down during the storm and right when it ends they will start to move around to stay warm and find food. The last few years have been very bad for deer because of our long and cold winters. But we have been trying our best to wait it out so we can see the deer we want to kill.

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