Monday, 25 November 2013

Most people can't easily see the difference between mule deer and whitetail deer. In Manitoba it is illegal to hunt mule deer, and that is why it is so important to know the difference between those deer.
Mule deer and Whitetail deer don't have many differences. From a far distance you may not be able to see it. Mule deer habitat is in the western half of North America, they have very large ears which is how it gets the name mule. The most common and easiest way to determine the difference between the two is by their tails.
This picture is the tail of a mule
deer, as you can tell it has a black tip and it is
mall and the tail is much smaller. Most mule deer are large, and for
(female deer) the tail is the easiest way to spot the
difference. The next picture is a Whitetail deer. Whitetail deer have bigger tails then the mule deer and when they lift up their tail you can see it is white which is why they have the name white tail . 

 Another huge difference between the mule
 deer and whitetail deer are the antlers. This is
 only for male mule deer because the buck has
the antlers. It is confusing to explain, the whitetail deer have tines all coming off one main beam, while the mule deer have have 'forks' coming which then forms antlers. As you can also see in this picture mule deer have very dark and large ears. While whitetail deer have white and small ears. The face of a mule deer is much more rigid than the whitetail deer. Whitetail deer have sort of like baby faces because they are wider and softer looking.

1 comment:

  1. I like how specific this post gets, Miranda. I did not know how to tell the difference between the two species, but the clarity of your post, including the visual aides, helped me understand the difference. Of course, I'd still need to practice to make sure I didn't take aim at the wrong animal.

    Don't forget to give credit to the sources of your information and photos. It's an important etiquette to learn. Let me know if you have any questions.
